Thursday 16 June 2011

What Reflections' Crocodile project book is all about...

Just thought it best to clear up any misconceptions. The Crocodile! project book, published by On Reflection Publishing, features a three-month project by children aged 3-5 years in Reflections Nursery, Worthing, UK.   

Crocodile! is not intended as a 'how to' book. The book is intended to show how the project worked in this particular setting, with this group of 50 children, at a particular time, following the interests and motivations of the group and a number of individual children. Our hope is that educators, artists and anyone who takes an interest in children's development will take ideas from our approach to working with children which might inform their own practice or understanding.

In this project, our approach was to present the children with something new and observe, and later analyse, their response to it - in this case a crocodile head. If we have a message, it isn't, 'get a crocodile head'.  It would be more about introducing new concepts to children and standing back to see where they might lead, then slowing things down to experience the learning.   We hope that you will approach the book in this context. 

Please see feedback from a recent buyer of the book:

I have received the copy of Crocodiles today and wanted to congratulate you all on a superb piece of work, from the project and practice to the quality of the book.  I hope you plan to produce some more examples of your work in the future.

Jan White
Consultant for Outdoor Provision in the Early Years
Reflections Nursery, Worthing, West Sussex, UK

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